Chassiers : a village with outstanding character


Le village

07110 Chassiers

Telephone : 04 75 89 33 30

Chassiers lies in a Cévennes landscape sculpted by man over the centuries. It is next to two rivers and a stone's throw from the medieval town of Largentière.

Listed as a village of character, this charming historical village exists since prehistoric times. The Roman chapel, the rusticated tower and other remains are evidence of its 12th century origins. At that time the village was part of a group of fortresses built around the local silver mines which were coveted by the Viviers Bishops and Toulouse Counts.

All along your tour of Chassiers you will find out more about its exceptional heritage and architecture.

The Saint Hilaire parish church is an outstanding monument. This fortified gothic church with a 180 ft high bell tower is listed as a historical monument.

The gorgeous Roman Saint Benoit chapel was built in the 11th century.

At the Vernade castle, where the Town Hall is now located, you will find a 16th century round tower and a beautiful spiral staircase. The De la Motte Castle, which is from the end of the 15th century (at least the oldest parts), and the Rochemure castle in the Landes valley (with its magnificent chapel) are both private residences.

Right in the village centre, the 16th century houses facades create a very harmonious feeling.

Nearby, the various hamlets (Joux, Montcouquiol, La Rouvière) have kept their authentic character.

Période d'ouverture

All year round, daily.

Facilities / Interests



Play area, Picnic area, Public WC, Exhibition space, Car park, Restaurant


Pets welcome, Unguided group tours, Sales on site, Room hire, Tourist brochures, Tourist information, Restaurant, Unguided individual tours


Activity, Concert, Temporary exhibition

Duree Moyenne Visite Groupe


Duree Moyenne Visite Individuelle


Prestations Visites Individuelles

Unguided individual tours available permanently

Prestations Visites Groupees

Unguided group tours available permanently

Complement Visite

Des circuits découverte de Chassiers sont disponible à la Mairie de Chassiers et à l'Office de Tourisme à Largentière.
Vous pouvez parcourir le village de façon classique, avec un plan vous indiquant les points d'intérêts, ou de façon plus ludique avec un carton de jeu type "Chasse au trésor"!


Free of charge.





Latitude : 44.552127

Longitude : 4.296439

Altitude : 350 m

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:35