Village of Mayres

Mr Guy Laurent


07330 Mayres

Telephone : 04 75 87 21 38

The town of Mayres is located in Haute Cévenne ardéchoise and is part of the township of Thueyts. The village is crossed by the RN102 which connects the Rhone Valley to Auvergne, one of the busiest roads in Ardèche.

At the foot of the Col de la Chavade (Atlantic / Mediterranean watershed), 10km from the source of the Ardèche and 600m. Altitude, Mayres nestles in this valley, between the rock of Abraham and the tower of the wrists (1538m.) to the south, and the rock of Chaumiène (1448m.) to the north.
This privileged location allows more experienced walkers to make wonderful walks, from minutes to hours. We can go from the South Mediterranean vegetation to the more "Nordic" of the Ardèche plateau: chestnuts, fayards (beeches), fir trees, ...
Mayres is a very associative village and no less than 11 associations allow everyone to practice a pleasant activity: petanque, fishing, gymnastics, choir, club of age, dance, ...
For the reception, two campsites, rural lodgings, two restaurants, a farm ... and the setting of its hamlets far from the national which are worth the detour and a stop for their calm and their beauty.
Mayres has kept traditions and a lifestyle that seduces more and more stressed city dwellers in search of tranquility and warmth.
Between the Ardèche plateau and the tourist sites of Lower Ardèche, Mayres along the river Ardèche sculpts beautiful natural bathing places. During the summer, although the population increases, we are sure to find calm, freshness and rest.

Période d'ouverture

All year round, daily.

Prestations Visites Individuelles

Unguided individual tours available permanently


Free access.





Latitude : 44.665395

Longitude : 4.116525

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:23