Visit of the doghouse
On the Ardèche plateau, in the beautiful setting of the Gerbier de Jonc, come discover the world of sled dogs. A visit of the doghouse is proposed to meet the dogs and the way they live.
You will be able to encounter various dog breeds: Samoyedes, Huskies, Greenland Eskimos and Alaskan Malamutes.
Winter activities include dog sleigh rides (not too far from the sources of the Loire or around the Massif du Mézenc) and summer activities include canirando and cani-trotinette (either in the Ardeche mountains or in Chaudeyrac, close to the St Front lake).
Période d'ouverture
All year round, daily.Facilities / Interests
To be consulted.
Modes Paiement
Check, Cash, Credit transferGratuit
To be consultedNear
Source des données
Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:38