Village of Barnas

le village

07330 Barnas

Telephone : 04 75 36 40 12

The village of Barnas is located along the national road 102 (25 km west from Aubenas) in the high valley of Ardeche. Rich by its natural wonders its built heritage is a must-see : its Bridge "Pont du Bouix" or even the Tower of Chapdenac (ruin of a medieval watchtower) will make all history lovers happy

In an exceptional area, the chestnut tree (also called bread-tree), in shimmering colors will offer you its unique palette in autumn. The ash tree along the river Ardèche after swimming will protect you from the sun and also, thanks to the trout fishing, you will enjoy the cool water, while titillating the fish.

Our town offers you its best assets and gladly awaits the visitor; our elders, on the wooden bench from the first beautiful days, in the shade of the plane tree, will tell you, anecdotes and traditions of the past. They are neither "wild" nor withdrawn: our elders like to talk about their life on the commune of Barnas, and the evolution that they could live. From the small country road, the RN 102 has transformed the life of the village. They lived long ago, the road development that generated a new economy, and also changed the habits of each. They knew how to adapt to the "Modern" life, benefiting from the knowledge of those who come from elsewhere, and stopped to quench their thirst, at the fountain.

His viticulture with his inevitable and incomparable Cliton, with its vines and terraces is the true symbol of the story of our wine. The "Piquette" (bad wine) sang Jean Ferrat, but for the lovers of our territory, a whole cult !

Through our old stones, narrow streets and hidden houses, well renovated, at the turn of a porch; natural springs in restored stone niches, where you can quench your thirst with pure running water. So, you will take the time to listen to our story.

Place de la Mairie, take the "Bruc - Charmelan" hiking trail (total duration 2 h)
A Bruc The Bruc washhouse: which perpetuates the work of women; to maintain the old traditions, this wash is always maintained but our modern times have allowed to have the washing machine, in all homes, chatter gradually stop around the laundry.
Stone basin: Hamlet of Ayvides: The source of the village pours into this basin and allowed to refuel in water.
Tour de Chadenac: Vestige of a feudal castle dating from the year 960.
This old tower Gué overlooks the river "Ardeche.

Sports & Cultural Activities
It's during your walks :
- that you will cross the Chamfagot Bridge, Sigadou or Bouix;
- that you will see the Tower of Chadenac, watchtower of formerly;
- that you will appreciate the development of our municipality which has been able to integrate into the life which is modernizing, but which maintains its traditions: hunting, or you can cross wild boars, foxes, genets, weasels and weasels, squirrels, badgers, teissous ; fishing on the banks of the Ardèche (trout, crayfish), picking mushrooms (cep, girolle, sheep foot ...).

The church with its particular portal. Our elders know a lot about its history and will be happy, on their wooden bench, to tell you that its construction was, it seems, carried out by the inhabitants.

Période d'ouverture

All year round, daily.

Facilities / Interests


Bar, Book shop, Restaurant


Unguided group tours, Unguided individual tours


Botanic trail

Prestations Visites Individuelles

Unguided individual tours available permanently

Prestations Visites Groupees

Unguided group tours available permanently


Free access.





Latitude : 44.668532

Longitude : 4.169331

Altitude : 459 m

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Source des données

APIDAE - L'information touristique

Données mises à jour le Mar 21, 2024 00:30:24